Sadhana is a regular, disciplined practice, with the faith that it will support us in our personal growth and in establishing a sense of inner equilibrium. When viewed through the lens of Yoga, it is often assumed that sadhana involves rolling out the mat for postural and breath practice (asana and pranayama), or sitting on the cushion for meditation. It can be, and it often is, but it is also so much more. Thanks to my teachers, my perspective on sadhana has expanded greatly, and my sadhana toolbox is now filled with little ritual gems that are sometimes way more profound and impactful than the grand, time-intensive commitments.
Ultimately, it boils down to two things:
1. Understanding the current season we are in our lives, and the intuitive tweaks to implement and commit to, so as to shift our inner sense of balance toward a more equanimous state.
2. Understanding that Yoga is a way of life, and the way we live (how we sleep, eat, drink etc.) are all pathways of the practice.
As part of my teacher training curriculum, I sit down for a one-on-one consultation with my trainees. In the earlier years, they would ask me questions like how they can start looking for jobs in Yoga studios, or for help in refining their teaching sequences. But since the pandemic and the idea of slow, sustainable living became more of a norm, I noticed that in recent years, trainees now tend to ask me for Ayurvedic tips on leading a more balanced lifestyle, and we spend a lot more time crafting personal sadhanas — of the asana + pranayama variety, and also personalised rituals.
What can you expect from our call?
Sadhana no doubt requires discipline and commitment to some form of change, but it has to be in the direction of balance. For example, a person who juggles raising a family, volunteer work and a full-time job, is unlikely to find that balance in adding a disciplined hour on the mat to the mix. But it is easy to fall trap into the idea that the daily Yoga practice is just what you need for inner peace and to qualify as a 'good Yogi'.
If you have been feeling uninspired and are looking to deeply commit to your mat practice, then our chat may indeed see us crafting a personalised asana, pranayama and meditation practice for you. But if you are, like me, overly driven and prone to burn out, then our chat may be about crafting a collection of practices to slow down — for some, it is as straightforward as setting aside 15 minutes in the mornings read; for others, a warm mug of turmeric milk before bed.
Combining the ancient wisdom sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga with a dash each of practicality and intuition, I hope to co-design with you your personalised sadhana, or a few mini sadhanas, that will support you towards your personal inner equilibrium.
Conducted via Zoom, our call lasts anywhere between 45-60 minutes, and costs S$128. An optional follow-up call (30 minutes) after 6-8 weeks costs S$58.